Object-oriented programming is based on the concept of objects. In object-oriented programming data structures, or objects, are defined, each with its own properties or attributes. Object-oriented software is designed by using objects that interact with one another. Think of objects as people, places and things for the time being.
Many people with whom I come in contact don’t want to test their strategies. Either they don’t program, or they believe they can make more money using discretionary “feelings.” I have found over the years that those who don’t test their systems, don’t want to know the answer.
TradeStation is considered the premiere trading software for individual traders and professional traders alike. I have been an end-user of the software since 1986 when I started using SystemWriter (no charting just calculations). Clearly, since Sam headed the development department and wrote the software, he has been using it a lot longer than I have. SystemWriter+ added more language features but still used the Pascal compiler of the original and has Pascal features.
With version 9.0 TradeStation Securities Group introduced an extension to its EasyLanguage programming language called Object Oriented EasyLanguage. While its claim to fame had been the ease of use of EasyLanguage, and the English-like command structure, this new language (OOEL) is a fully extensible programming language. In structure OOEL is reminiscent of the programming language Pascal and has features of C++ that make it truly powerful.